Thursday 12 September 2013


As I told in my last post; I'm planning on posting a lot of drawings on here from now on. I will cheat a bit with this and post a few on the actual dates that I've made them.
I want to keep track of the progress I've made in drawing in Photoshop. So I'll post those on the actual dates, and maybe some traditional hand drawings as well, but I'm not sure about that.
Hereby some random old sketchbook stuff for a start!






Thursday 5 September 2013

During the Internship at TeamTO

I've really been neglecting my blog the last couple of months, so I thought it'd be a good time to revive it a bit. Planning to start posting drawings on this one, and maybe notes and stuff if I've got some interesting ones. But for now;
In the last post I made I was telling about getting an internship at TeamTO. By now the internship is almost done (just a little less than a month left) and it has been great! The work is incredibly cool, the environment the best and the people are great. And I learned so much during this internship (starting May 6th).
In the beginning I had a lot of lessons and really got to know a lot more about character animation itself. Since July I've been working as an animator on Babar and the Adventures of Badou.

I will have about a month left to fully enjoy working here in this great team. I'm going back to The Netherlands on September 28th. And on October 1st school will be starting again. My final year at The Netherlands Film and Television Academy!