Saturday 30 June 2012

Off to Gobelins Summer School!

March 25th I sent my application, with portfolio (showreel), motivation letter and some personal information to Gobelins, l'ecole de l'image Summer School in Character Animation. Click here for more information about the whole Summer School and application information and everything.

This was my personal showreel at the time when I applied:

At March 30th I got an e-mail from Gobelins which included the following text:
"We are pleased to inform you that you are admissible to our International Summer School program in character animation that runs from July 2nd through July 13th 2012. Because of your previous animation experience, you will also have access to the workshops that will take place most afternoons. We wish to emphasize that the master classes and workshops are devoted to the performance aspect of character animation; they are not beginner courses or software courses."

So, by now, I've got my bags packed. Tomorrow morning I'll be taking the train at 10.16h to Paris! First I'll take an early train to Amsterdam.
I'll arrive in Paris at 13.35h, but the rooms at the campus won't be availble until 15.00h. So I need to wait some time before I can go in, but it'll be fine. I love Paris, plus then I've got some time to find my way. 
At five Elise and the teachers will come and greet the students at the housing at the campus. I'll be staying in the Maison Franco-Britannique at La Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, together with 33 other students. The students are from all different countries around the world. I'm the only Dutch person in the group. There will be students from the USA, different countries in Europe, China, Russia and more..
When Elise will meet up with us she'll give us more information about our stay and introduce us to everyone.

I can't wait! 

Lydia's Portfolio