Friday 13 July 2012

Two weeks of Gobelins!

The past two weeks I followed Gobelins Summer School. It was the best experience ever! Awesome masterclasses, epic teachers, and great classmates!

Most days we had masterclasses from 10 in the morning 'till 1, lunch and after that workshop with the teachers untill 5. You were allowed to start at 8 in the morning and stay untill 8 in the evening to practice some more, so that's what I did. Get as much time in Gobelins as possible! I would certainly recommand this Summer School to everyone who is interested in animation.

We got masterclasses from Fred Nagorny, who is the only permanent teacher at Gobelins. He is just brilliant. He has a really mathimatical way of approaching animation, but even though I don't really like math, it was so interesting! Not to mention how useful it was. It's a whole different way of approaching stuff, at least it is for me, but it works just great.
We had three days of masterclasses with him, which was the most time we had with one teacher, but I couldn't get enough of listening to him.

After him we would have gotten masterclasses from Kyle Balda, but because of his thight production schedule, he unfortunately was only able to do the opening. We got Mike L. Murphy instead. His lessons were really intersting. Mike explained a lot about characters, comedy, acting and marketing yourself. I got some great tips. We had Mike's masterclasses for two days.

Then we got Alexandre Heboyan for two days. He explained some more about acting and emotions, and a lot of things about the filmindustry itself, using camera's, film in general. Most of the film-stuff he told was recognizable from the lessons I got at the Filmacademy where I do my current study. He gave really good feedback during the workshops.

The last masterclass was give by Yoshi Tamura. Oh, I was so looking forward to it! But the biggest part of the lesson we got to see his work and he told a lot about his expierence, which were both really great to hear about too.

During the workshops the teachers of the masterclasses helped and there were about four other teachers who didn't give masterclasses, but helped out at the workshops. One of them was Vincent Garcia. He helped me a lot during the workshops and I learned so much of him.

It were two really intense weeks. Everything about it was just wow!
I will miss it a lot, but I'm really happy I got to experience this.

Walkcycle for Fred's assignment:

Unfinished blocking for Mike's acting / lipsync assignment (I will finish this later on): 

Lydia's Portfolio