Sunday 28 August 2016

Masterclass Drawing for Animators

Had an amazing and very inspiring day today!
The studio I work at organised a masterclass given by Samantha Youssef (former Disney animator) on drawing for animation. It was great! There was a model as well so got to do some life drawing and decided to redo a couple of them in Photoshop.
Learned a lot of new techniques and ways to approach life drawing.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Portrait 001

Haven't been drawing portraits for about two years. I was very busy with improving my animation and just didn't take the time for it. I'm starting to pick it up again now, though it seems like I kinda have to start over, but eh, its a start right? And its a good way to keep track :)

Monday 1 August 2016

New animation "Only one who works here" Work In Progress part 01.

I've decided to post animation sequences here as well as drawings (and maybe knitwork). The animation things I'm working on will all be only things that I make in my spare time for practice.

There will be sound with this one, but its not timed yet, which is why it's silent for now. This is just really quick layout / first touches of blocking the animation in. I basically have only just set up the environment and chosen which camera I want to have.
I did shoot reference for it, but I will not post it online. Maybe when the entire shot is done I'll post it in a progression shot.